The Road-STEAMer Dialogue on STE(A)M activities and real-life use-cases (Learning Science Through Theatre)

Road-STEAMer real-life use-cases dialogue workshop

Published on:

March 26, 2024



In the context of Learning Science Through Theatre event on 31 March 2024, the Road-STEAMer project will organise a workshop aiming to engage teachers, education policy-makers, and relevant stakeholders into a fruitful dialogue on STE(A)M approaches. The dialogue of the workshop will focus on:

  • conditions and requirements for effective STE(A)M approaches;
  • the right policy context to efficiently implement STE(A)M activities;
  • and a discussion on real-life use-cases around STE(A)M education.

Do you want to join the dialogue? Fill in the form here!

The event will be conducted in Greek.

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