Road-STEAMer Community of Practice Suite


Published on:

November 8, 2023



Discover the new Road-STEAMer Community of Practice Suite (RCS)!

The RCS is a web-based open-source set of tools to support on-line interaction, dialogue, collaboration, and participation among Road-STEAMer Community members, offering a virtual environment where issues, needs and ideas can be explored and discussed through co-creation-driven-approach.

The main tool composing the RCS is Decidim, from the Catalan “let’s decide” or “we decide”, a digital platform for participatory democracy.

Within this Road-STEAMer Community of Practice Suite, an assembly is a group of stakeholders who virtually gather together to discuss and advance a specific topic related to the Road-STEAMer project.

Within an assembly, you will find a number of interactive tools to engage and share your views, such as (but not limited to):

  • Accessing background materials prepared by the project team;
  • Commenting and/or voting under an existing proposal;
  • Submitting your own proposal for consideration;
  • Responding to surveys;
  • Joining open meetings.

You can view all the assemblies here, or by selecting “Assemblies” from the top menu bar.

To join an assembly, simply click on “Take part”.

You can leave an assembly at any time by selecting “stop following”.

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